Make the New Year Healthy!
Another new year is upon us, which in turn brings about new New Year’s resolutions, and just like previous years, you make a real promise to yourself to keep your resolutions this upcoming year. So what can you do different this year to actually keep your New Year’s resolutions? Make resolutions that are practical and sensible for YOU – do not make a resolution that you know you won’t be able to keep because you’ll get bored with it or it’s not realistic, or it just won’t work for you.
Here are some resolutions you can make that are not only simple but practical for most people as well:
- Start off slow. Don’t try to make too many changes at once or you will most likely fail. It takes time to implement lifestyle changes, and making too many at once can bring about frustration and failure.
- Go natural. Cut down on processed foods – eat more grains, protein, fruit, and vegetables. If you find you need more taste in your food, add some fresh herbs or onions to your recipes. Shopping at farmers markets and buying bulk is a great way to get started, as you can buy small amounts and taste-test at home to prevent wasting money on something you do not like.
- Don’t diet. Most diets restrict food from certain food groups, which is certainly not healthy. Enjoy foods from all the food groups, and remember to make your plate colorful.
- Eat breakfast. Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day, as it provides you with the fuel you need to start your day. If you wake up in the morning and you’re not hungry, at least have a small nutritious snack – don’t let your body run on empty. Skipping breakfast can also cause you to eat more food later, which can add on extra pounds.
- Be active. Put exercise on your calendar. If you find it difficult to get incentive to exercise, join a Meetup group or sign up for a group exercise class. Many instructors and gyms will let you try a class for free or watch a class before you sign up.
What healthy New Year’s resolution are you making for the new year?? Share with others in the Leave a Reply section below.